Nearly 20 years ago, Canyon View began to have a “Spiritual Renewal Weekend” early each September. Members would come to the building to participate in 30-minute segments of prayer during a 24-hour period of prayer and fasting. That led to years of building our prayer life during a “Month of Prayer” in October. For the last few years, we have focused on one aspect of prayer during our “Month of Thankfulness” in November. The elders encourage you to support this yearly tradition of observing prayer for a full month, dedicated to thanking God for a multitude of blessings that he bountifully provides. What a great opportunity to grow in this spiritual discipline! You will find prayer guides in the lobby which give suggested prayer topics for each day for adults, as well as for our youth and children.

This year, on Saturday, November 9th, we will join our voices in thankfulness to God for our loving church family at Canyon View. You will have the opportunity to join with other members during a 24-hour day of prayer. Rather than taking place at our building, you will pray for our congregation for a 30-minute period wherever you are—at home or work, by yourself or with friends or family. From midnight Friday to midnight Saturday, there are forty-eight 30-minute time slots. As soon as possible, locate the sign-up sheet in the lobby to choose your preferred time with God in prayer. Let’s cover our Canyon View family in sweet conversations with our God during that full and blessed day!

Additionally, November 3rd is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. That Sunday we will have the opportunity to view a video that focuses on a missionary spreading the gospel on the border of China and North Korea. In addition to our prayers of thanksgiving during November, this day of prayer reminds us of all the missionaries worldwide who NEED our prayers.

“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers” (1 Thessalonians 1:2).

Download the Prayer List here