“A world where we are all believers,
unified in one heart and the mind of Christ”
Welcome to Canyon View Church of Christ in San Diego
Canyon View church of Christ is a church family that believes in the power of Christ working through ordinary people accomplishing the extraordinary. We have a simple faith and seek the simple truths of the Bible and call ourselves, simply, Christians. We are lovers of the Word of God and do our best to model our lives after the Word Himself, Christ our Savior
​We offer these options for Sunday worship service:
- Bible Study 9:00 am
- Worship Service 10:00 am
- Worship Service 1:30 pm – Just Down the Hill at Canyon Villas
Men’s Breakfast
We host a hearty breakfast on the first Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM. Invite your friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family so that we may share with godly men in a time of learning, fellowship, and growing closer to the Lord.
Ladies Breakfast
All ladies of all ages are welcome to the Ladies’ breakfast on the first Saturday of each month. This event is not hosted by Canyon View.
Attention Blood Donors
When you donate blood products, please remember to mention our congregational account. Use code CVCV.
WINGS is the hospitality committee for our church family. Each able woman who is a member at Canyon View is asked to be on one of our “WINGS Teams. Each team has two co-leaders and a minimum of four additional members.